Delhi School of Public Policy & Governance

Policy Papers
Auctions of Land and Goods in Kautilya's Arthasatra
Process Reforms: Fixing the Nuts-and-Bolts
Mitigating Undesirable and Unintended (but mostly Foreseeable) Consequences during Decision-Making
A Brief History of the Indian Theory of Governance
Do Wealthy politicians underreported their income? Evidence from General Election Data
Role and Potential of Hydro-Electrical Projects in Development in Union Territory of Ladakh
Will Competition Reduce Attention Costs of Social Media?
National IPR Policy: Towards Creative India, Innovative India
COVID-19 and Contractual Disputes in India: A Law and Economics Perspective

Guidelines for Policy Papers:

At the time of submission, a policy paper must be an unpublished work. Subsequent to the publication by the DSPPPG, the authors can publish the work at a forum of their choice.

Copy-write with the author.

Total word limit: 5000-8000 words (excluding references)
Font style: Times New Roman/Garamound
Font size: 12
Spacing: 1.5
Referencing style: APA
Plagiarism: < 10 %

Tentative structure of the Policy Paper:


  1. Introduction/: Brief of the policy and its relevance along with a statement of the problem/issue examined. Importance of the issue and the gaps in the relevant literature. Objective and rationale of the policy paper
  2. Empirical Background – Data/resources
  3. Analysis
  4. Findings
  5. Policy Alternatives /options
  6. Recommendations/suggestions